American Ballet Theatre Artists Vote to Authorize Strike

Published January 19, 2018   |  By Drew Rosenfeld  |  Post in All Areas

New York, NY (January 19, 2018) –  The Artists of American Ballet Theatre (ABT), the internationally renowned ballet company, overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike shortly after midnight on Wednesday. Eighty (80) Dancers and Stage Managers, represented by the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA), took the vote as negotiations stalled.  The Artists have been bargaining with ABT management since late April of 2017 for a new three-year agreement.  Among other issues, the group is seeking to improve retirement contributions which were completely eliminated for one year, then cut in half - from 7.5% to 3.75% - during the recessionary period beginning in 2008.  Artists are now seeking modest increases in the contribution rate to... Read More -->

AGMA’s Statement on Allegations Against James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Music Director Emeritus

Published December 4, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

We are appalled by the recent reports of sexual abuse allegations against James Levine, the Metropolitan Opera’s Music Director Emeritus.  Last night, the Metropolitan Opera (“Met”) suspended Mr. Levine pending an immediate, internal investigation.  We support the Met’s recent actions. As the union representing choristers, soloists, stage managers, directors, dancers, choreographers and staff performers, we seek to protect our members from all forms of harassment and discrimination.  The Met has a legal duty to provide a safe workplace and take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment.  This duty includes conducting prompt and diligent investigations in response to credible complaints of misconduct with appropriate actions wh... Read More -->

Best Time to Join AGMA is Now

Published November 22, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

We are the labor union that represents the men and women who create America’s operatic, choral and dance heritage. Because performing artists live to perform, they are vulnerable to employer exploitation, unfair and unsafe conditions, and illegal discrimination.  They can find the protection they need by joining AGMA – the American Guild of Musical Artists.  Without forceful advocacy of their interests, artists can be subjected to abuse, low pay, poor working conditions, inadequate benefits, and no job security. Join AGMA Now - Initiation fees increase as of January 1, 2018 (from $500 to $1000). Membership in the American Guild of Musical Artists has countless benefits and advantages. Not only does it provide you with access... Read More -->

Message from Deborah Allton-Maher, Associate Executive Director

Published October 26, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Dear AGMA Members: Considering the recent exposure in the press of the illegal and insidious harassment by those who occupy positions of power against those who are most vulnerable, I feel compelled to reach out personally to all of our members with reassurance and support and to urge anyone who has experienced this trauma to utilize the reporting method that AGMA has provided.  All you need to do is to call me or email me to report any behavior that has made you uncomfortable, fearful or if you feel threatened in any way. All reports are kept strictly in confidence, no names are used.  If we receive multiple reports against an individual we notify the employer(s) of the offending person to either conduct an investigation, or to take pr... Read More -->

Oregon Ballet Theatre Artists Vote to Join AGMA

Published September 20, 2017   |  By Drew Rosenfeld  |  Post in All Areas

Portland, OR (September 19, 2017) The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) was officially recognized as the union representing the dancers and stage managers of the Oregon Ballet Theatre.  This recognition comes after a majority of these artists signed a petition requesting AGMA to represent them.  The Oregon Ballet Theatre (OBT) agreed to a voluntary procedure to confirm majority support which was completed last week. “We are privileged to represent the interests of all the wonderful dancers and staging staff at OBT.  AGMA welcomes this group to our family of professional artists who strive each day to reach artistic heights and their professional goals.  Oregon Ballet Theatre, as the largest ballet company in the state, deser... Read More -->

New Issue of AGMAzine

Published July 26, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new issue of AGMAzine is out now! Visit our AGMAZine Archives to read the latest news about funding for the arts, organizing, the AGMA Relief Fund and other new initiatives, or to view past issues: [caption id="attachment_4256" align="aligncenter" width="219"] The newest AGMAzine issue, "Our Art Will Go On"[/caption]    ... Read More -->

Employers and Entertainment Unions Urge Full Funding for the NEA, NEH, and CPB

Published May 16, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

A diverse group of employers—ranging from the Motion Picture Association of America to the Tulsa Ballet—united with unions representing professionals from across the arts and entertainment industry to support continued full funding of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) in Fiscal Year 2018. The unions, affiliates of the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE), represent actors, musicians, dancers, stagehands, and many other entertainment professionals. In a letter sent to Congress today, the union-employer coalition urged members to maintain current funding levels for the NEA, NEH, and the CPB in next year’s budget... Read More -->

Sacramento Ballet Artists Vote to Join AGMA

Published April 25, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The Sacramento Ballet Artists Voted 23-1 in favor of Joining the American Guild of Musical Artists. Sacramento, CA (April 24, 2017) – The Dancers, Stage Managers and Apprentices who comprise the Artists of Sacramento Ballet voted overwhelmingly to be represented by the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA), the national labor union that represents dancers, singers, and stage production staff in dance and opera companies throughout the US. The election, conducted on Friday by the National Labor Relations Board, resulted in a vote of 23-1 in favor of AGMA.  This marks the second Ballet company in only the past two months to elect to join the ranks of companies represented by AGMA.  Just last month, the Artists of Sarasota Ballet... Read More -->

Sarasota Ballet Dancers Join AGMA

Published March 3, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The Sarasota Ballet, their dancers and AGMA enter negotiations for a labor contract. The Sarasota Ballet announces today that the Company joins the top national ballet companies in America by voting to join the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA). AGMA represents dancers, singers and stage production staff in dance and opera companies throughout the United States. A secret ballot vote was held based upon mutual agreement between The Sarasota Ballet and AGMA. Based on the results of the election, The Sarasota Ballet has recognized AGMA as the exclusive bargaining representative of the dancers. Negotiations for a first contract are expected to commence within a couple of weeks. “This is an understandable step in the growth of The Sar... Read More -->

Welcome to the New AGMA Website!

Published February 3, 2017   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Welcome to the new AGMA website! A great deal of time and effort went into creating this site and the new design and features were done with you, the members, in mind. As you navigate through the website, please remember that the MyAGMA section is still a work in progress, and that refinements and new features will be added on a regular basis. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions regarding the website, please feel free to send them to I believe you will enjoy perusing the new website and hope that you will take advantage of the many features that it offers you. Fraternally yours, James Odom President, AGMA... Read More -->