
AGMA Black Caucus: A Year-in-Review Meeting

Published September 8, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The AGMA Black Caucus will meet on Wednesday, September 22, at 7:00 p.m. ET. The AGMA Black Caucus was established one year ago! Given the milestone, the meeting will be a year-in-review discussion. All Black AGMA Artists in good standing are encouraged to join. To receive the Zoom details in advance of the meeting, register here. Please email with any questions or for more information! ... Read More -->

AGMA Opera and Concert Choristers Caucus will Meet on September 20

Published September 7, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA Choristers in good standing are invited to attend the upcoming Opera and Concert Choristers Caucus (OCCC) meeting on Monday, September 20, at 6:00 p.m. ET. During this meeting, the OCCC will focus on the priorities, issues, and concerns of Concert Choristers and Choir members, including the following: Job SecurityBullying and FavoritismBalancing Multiple JobsJob Parity and Opportunities Concert Choristers and Choir members in good standing with AGMA are encouraged to add their voice to this national discussion and should register intent to attend the September 20 meeting. The Zoom information will be sent closer to the meeting date. Please do ... Read More -->

Hurricane Ida Relief Resources

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UPDATED: 9/13/2021 FEMA RESOURCES: On September 2, FEMA released a resource sheet to assist those impacted by Hurricane Ida.FEMA updated its “Disaster Assistance” webpage.FEMA announced grants for NYC homeowners.FEMA made changes to Individual Assistance Policies to advance equity for disaster survivors.FEMA also recently announced that since the storm caused many people to purchase supplies like chainsaws and generators, they may reimburse applicants up to $800 for generators and $250 for chainsaws.FEMA disaster assistance and local resourcesAnother form of assistance is Critical Needs Assistance, which can provide a one-time award of up to $500 to eligible survivors. Housing assistance is also available to eligible survivors. A... Read More -->

2021 AGMA Labor Day Message

Published September 6, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Happy Labor Day. Like Labor Day last year, and like all of the days over the past year and a half, we continue to face the risks of an ever-changing global pandemic. Sadly, our beloved Labor Day Parade hosted by the New York City Central Labor Council and other events union members participate in across the country to celebrate solidarity have changed drastically, have moved to a virtual setting, or have been canceled entirely. This Labor Day is not the Labor Day we had hoped 2021 would bring, but that does not negate the progress that AGMA Artists have made. AGMA Artists have continued to sing, dance, create and fight for what’s right, fair, equitable, and moral in this world.  We have accomplished so much and should be proud... Read More -->

FEMA Releases Resource Sheet to Assist Those Impacted by Hurricane Ida

Published September 2, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

FEMA has released a resource sheet to assist those impacted by Hurricane Ida. "It’s easy to be confused by all the disaster resources available as you recover from Hurricane Ida. In our latest fact sheet, we break down all of the agencies, programs, phone numbers & website links that may help you on your road to recovery," they stated on Twitter. Open FEMA Sheet ... Read More -->

OPERA America Webinar: US Artist Visas and International Travel in the Age of COVID

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In this free 75-minute webinar hosted by OPERA America, experts from Tamizdat and the hosts of – the Association of Performing Arts Professionals and the League of American Orchestras – will describe what it takes to secure U.S. artist visas and navigate travel restrictions. The current and long-term policy environment means for seeking more equitable opportunities to support international cultural activity will also be covered. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, September 9 at 3:00 p.m. and will be recorded. Those who wish to attend should register here. If the event is at capacity, you can still catch the recording. ... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Contract with Florida Grand Opera

Published September 1, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA is happy to report that Florida Grand Opera’s new collective bargaining agreement was ratified by AGMA Leadership following unanimous approval by the shop. There have been multiple additions and improvements to the contract language including new sections on Discrimination and Harassment; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); a standing Joint Labor-Management Committee; and COVID-19 safety. Each working group at FGO saw significant gains. Principals now have an industry-standard rest period and access to performance clips, as well as increased protection for Studio Artists when working within AGMA’s jurisdiction. Assistant Stage Managers coming in from out-of-town will now receive company-provided housing to alleviate ... Read More -->

Hurricane Ida Message from AGMA

Published August 30, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

To those impacted by Hurricane Ida: As the storm continues across Louisiana and Mississippi, our thoughts remain with you in the days ahead. With the total loss of power and cell phone service being unavailable, we hope that when this message reaches you, you are safe, along with all those you hold dear. As a reminder, the AGMA Relief Fund is here for AGMA Artists, should you require emergency assistance. To apply, please visit With its “hardship help,” Union Plus is also here to lend a helping hand when union members and their families need it the most. Given the potentially triggering timing, the same date Hurricane Katrina made landfall, we understand that underlying trauma may be having a great effect... Read More -->

ICYMI: AGMA’s August Newsletter

Published August 25, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA's August Newsletter was emailed to the membership yesterday (August 24) around 3:00 p.m. ET. Members in good standing that subscribe to the Union's emails should check their inboxes for the latest newsletter. If members didn't receive the newsletter, they should check their spam folders (with Gmail, these newsletters tend to end up in the"Promotions" tab). If members need further assistance, please email As a reminder, members can access all of AGMA's newsletters by visiting the AGMA Newsletter Archive on the website (MyAGMA login required). ... Read More -->

REMINDER: The AGMA Black Caucus will Meet Tomorrow

Published August 24, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The AGMA Black Caucus will meet tomorrow, August 25, at 7:00 p.m. ET. The meeting will cover how to report concerns on the job as an AGMA member, updates as Artists continue to return to work, and potential topics for future meetings. There is still time to register and all Black AGMA Artists in good standing are encouraged to attend. ... Read More -->