
AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Agreement with New York City Ballet

Published September 20, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new collective bargaining agreement between AGMA and New York City Ballet was approved by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly ratified by the shop. ICYMI: This bargaining victory was featured in the New York Times on September 8! Let’s celebrate some gains! Notably, by the end of this new agreement, pandemic-related cuts will be restored, and wages will be increased. The new contract will also formalize and reinforce practices and policies related to NYCB’s ongoing work on diversity, equity, and inclusion, which reflects the deep commitment that AGMA and NYCB share in upholding a workplace culture of safety, inclusion, and belonging.   Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 3-year ... Read More -->

AGMA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas AGMA celebrates the many Hispanic, Latina, Latino, Latine, Latinx, and Spanish origin Artists who have dedicated their lives and careers to enriching the Performing Arts. We pay tribute to, and center, the past trailblazers and present trendsetting Artists who have positively strengthened our industry, and the future Artists who will leave their own influential marks as well. Visit for more information on the history of this heritage month, which runs from September 15 – October 15. ... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Agreement with Washington National Opera

Published September 19, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new collective bargaining agreement between AGMA and Washington National Opera was approved by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly ratified by the shop. Let’s celebrate some gains! There have been multiple additions and enhancements to the contract language that improve the working lives of all the Company’s Artists! Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 3-year agreement! CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS GENERAL COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: Wages snap back to final year of previous CBA (prior to pandemic concessions) plus increases in wages and per diem of +3%, +3%, +2%2-3 days paid bereavement leaveComprehensive new media provisions with new rates and increases over term PRINCIPAL ARTIST... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies FIRST Agreement with Nevada Ballet Theatre

Published September 15, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The FIRST bargaining agreement between AGMA and Nevada Ballet Theatre was approved by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly ratified by the shop. This is a very comprehensive first agreement containing impressive compensation and benefit gains, DEI, and safety language, all legal protections including "Pay or Play,” March 1 re-engagement offers and hiring protections regarding a future AD. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 3-year agreement! CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Base compensation increases3% - 19.25% in the 1st year3% in years 2 & 3 with the addition of Seniority PayWork Policy provisions, including limiting the use of apprentices and students and compe... Read More -->

AGMA Releases Updated COVID-19 Guidance

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The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) has released an Updated COVID-19 Guidance. This Updated Guidance is based on the AGMA Expert Medical Advisory Panel’s assessment of the latest CDC COVID recommendations published on August 11, 2022, and the continuing risks that COVID-19 poses for individuals who work in the performing arts. The CDC continues to rely upon the Community Risk Level Framework to help communities decide what prevention steps to take based on the latest data. As always, the goal of AGMA is the safety, health, and success of its artists and companies. Any proposed changes to existing safety protocols by AGMA Signatory Companies must be reviewed and discussed with your AGMA staff representative prior to implem... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 2-Year Agreement with Washington Concert Opera

Published September 14, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new collective bargaining agreement between AGMA and Washington Concert Opera was approved by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly ratified by the shop. There have been multiple additions and enhancements to the contract language, including improvements under compensation and benefits and new DEI, anti-harassment, and anti-discrimination language. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 2-year agreement! CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: Wage increases: 1% and 2%$25 transportation stipendExtra paid break time for nursing ArtistsMeal allowance for visiting Principal ArtistsIncrease in max hours for Production Staff from 38 to 50 hours for chorus shows, 30 hours for non-ch... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Agreement with Kansas City Ballet

Published September 13, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new bargaining agreement between AGMA and Kansas City Ballet was approved by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly ratified by the shop. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 3-year agreement! CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: First year wage increases of 6% to 12%An additional 4% in each of the following two yearsIncreases in additional compensationIncreases in Seniority PayCompensation for social media takeoversFull Salary for Dancers who cannot work due to pregnancy4 weeks maternity/paternity leave at full pay and an additional 6 weeks maternity leave at 50% DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION: Increased DEI provisions, including:Affirmative language in the contract ... Read More -->

Action Alert! Tell your Senators to Fund the NEA and NEH

Published September 12, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

SEND A LETTER TODAY! In July, the House of Representatives approved $207 million in funding for the NEA and NEH each for FY23. Now, we need the Senate to support this funding level to make it a reality.  The voices of AGMA members are critical in ensuring that NEA and NEH funding passes the Senate. Contact your Senators and tell them to support this funding. AGMA is participating in this effort as part of DPE, and a letter has already been set up through Action Network. It takes less than two minutes to send a letter. ... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Contract with the Dallas Opera

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new bargaining agreement between AGMA and the Dallas Opera was approved by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly ratified by the shop. There have been multiple improvements and additions made in this new contract, particularly when it comes to compensation and benefits and DEI. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 3-year agreement! CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: Wage increases of 4%, 3%, 3%Full Per Diem paid to Principal Artists upon arrivalNew pay structure resulting in additional increases for Regular Choristers with 1-5 years of serviceIncreased Retirement Fund contributionsIncreased Per Diem paymentsAdditional Leave time for Choristers, Actors, and DancersAdditi... Read More -->

AGMA, New York City Ballet Reach New 3-Year Agreement

Published September 8, 2022   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Read about this in the New York Times! The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) and New York City Ballet (NYCB) reached a new three-year collective bargaining agreement, effective September 1, 2022, and running through August 31, 2025. The AGMA Board of Governors ratified the agreement at its September 6 meeting. New York City Ballet and the AGMA NYCB Negotiating Committee, representing their fellow company dancers, stage managers, and other artists, came to a mutually beneficial contract.  Notably, the three-year agreement restores losses from the economic cuts agreed to in March 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic which ultimately resulted in a shutdown of 18 months, including the cancellation of 27 weeks of NYCB pe... Read More -->