
Dancers of Texas Ballet Theater Join AGMA

Published February 23, 2023   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

2/23/2023 – The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) is pleased to announce that the dancers of Texas Ballet Theater (TBT) have voted overwhelmingly in favor of unionizing with AGMA, the labor union of the finest dancers, singers, and staging staff in dance, opera, and concert choral performance throughout the United States.

The dancers fought vigilantly for months to win their union, having faced an extensive union-busting campaign by TBT management and their hired consultant. After prevailing in a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) hearing toward the end of 2022, the NLRB ordered an immediate mail ballot election, with the vote count taking place on Friday, February 23. Given the results, TBT management has recognized AGMA as the exclusive bargaining representative of the dancers.

“Congratulations to the dancers of Texas Ballet Theater, and welcome to AGMA!” said Sam Wheeler, AGMA’s National Executive Director. “There were obstacles and resistance every step of the way, but you never stopped moving forward and your solidarity never wavered. You are a vital part of the labor movement, and we are proud to welcome you into the Union!”

Negotiations for a first contract are expected to commence shortly. TBT’s upcoming productions include Modern Masterpieces and Alice in Wonderland,

Please join us in welcoming the dancers of Texas Ballet Theater into the AGMA community!