TODAY: California High School Choir to Host Virtual Benefit Concert for AGMA Relief Fund

Published May 22, 2020   |  By Alicia Cook  |  Post in All Areas

TODAY at 4:00 p.m. PST (7:00 p.m. EST), an accomplished high school choir will host a benefit concert on Zoom to raise funds for the AGMA Relief Fund. Due to COVID-19, in just seven weeks, the AGMA Relief Fund has seen a 2,000% increase in grant dollars given to AGMA artists in crisis. Established in 1945, the viability of the Fund is 100% dependent on donations.  San Clemente High School (SCHS) was founded in 1964, and its choral tradition is deep-rooted in its 56-year history. The California high school has five choirs in place, ranging from beginning level ensembles to advanced women’s and mixed ensembles. They’ve toured New York City, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. They regularly perf... Read More -->

Today is #GivingTuesdayNow

Published May 5, 2020   |  By Alicia Cook  |  Post in All Areas

Today, the AGMA Relief Fund is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow, a new global day of giving and unity in response to the needs caused by COVID-19. COVID-19 has made a devastating impact on the Arts. Reports estimate nearly two-thirds of artists across the U.S. are now fully unemployed due to the pandemic. As a result, the AGMA Relief Fund has seen a 2,000% increase in emergency financial assistance granted to AGMA artists. The viability of the AGMA Relief Fund depends on donations. No amount is too little and funds go toward AGMA artists in need during the most catastrophic health and financial crisis in our history. The Arts will play a major role in our nation’s healing, so please help our artists today. Consider... Read More -->

Chicago Media Project to Support AGMA Relief Fund by Hosting Live Stream

Published April 9, 2020   |  By Alicia Cook  |  Post in All Areas

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the AGMA Relief Fund has graciously received donations and support from around the world. Thanks to a film Q&A series on Zoom hosted by the Chicago Media Project (CMP), the AGMA Relief Fund will be included in another call for donations. This Friday, April 10, at 6:00 p.m. CT / 7:00 p.m. ET.,CMP will present a virtual Q&A and discussion with the minds behind the documentary Bathtubs Over Broadway. Special guests include Dava Whisenant, director; Steve Young, star of the documentary/collector; and Hank Beebe, subject/musical composer. Any donations received during this live stream will go to the AGMA Relief Fund and the Chicago Theatre Workers Relief Fund. Those interested are encouraged to wa... Read More -->

Bernie Sanders Supporters Donate over $181,000 to The AGMA Relief Fund

Published March 30, 2020   |  By Alicia Cook  |  Post in All Areas

Bernie Sanders' Campaign recently announced it would rally donors for coronavirus relief. Last week, The AGMA Relief Fund was named in the second wave of the call for donations, among a handful of groups “providing critical support during this crisis.” For seven days, Bernie Sanders supporters were encouraged via text message, email, and social media interaction to contribute what they could, noting that donations (unless the donor stated otherwise) would be divided evenly between The AGMA Relief Fund and nine other charities. Thanks to this effort, The AGMA Relief Fund saw over $181,000 in donations enter the Fund. This influx comes at a time the Fund needs it the most, with the number of requests for assistance in the last two ... Read More -->

AGMA Statement on CARES Act

Published March 28, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

NEW YORK CITY - 3/27/2020 - AGMA is pleased to report that the House passed the CARES Act by voice vote and the President signed the bill into law. AGMA played an important part in the advocacy for this bill, working with the Department for Professional Employees (DPE) and our sister unions to demand COVID-19 relief benefits for our members. This is a win for all of us. This legislation expands economic relief to artists. This is due to the calls, letter writing, emails, and social media outreach to Congress by AGMA members and the members of our affiliated unions. AGMA applauds the quick action of Congress and the President to protect artists in Opera, Dance, and Choral communities who have been severely impacted by COVID-19 ... Read More -->

AGMA’s Response to COVID-19 Fallout

Published March 20, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

We want to start by saying: we will get through this pandemic together. During these unprecedented times, your health and welfare – both physical and mental – is our main priority.   We applaud our AGMA signatory companies that have made the right decision to take care of their artists during this global crisis. By continuing payments, health coverage, and other benefits, these companies are being responsible employers. AGMA vows to work with these companies to get through this difficult period. We are in this together and understand the significant challenges that Opera, Ballet, and Choral groups will face throughout the coming months. AGMA’s Executive Council has been receiving and granting emergency waiver req... Read More -->

Arts, Entertainment, and Media Unions Call on Policymakers to Protect Media Workers in Emergency Relief Packages

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Katie Barrows Communications Manager P: 202-549-5991 WASHINGTON, March 20, 2020—With hundreds of thousands of creative professionals out of work as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, arts, entertainment, and media unions affiliated with the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE) are calling on the White House, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Congress to quickly pass emergency relief legislation that both enhances and expands state unemployment benefits and sends direct unrestrained cash to the impacted workers they represent. “Arts, entertainment, and media workers have been hit hard by this public health and economic crisis. Overnight, production and performan... Read More -->

The Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds Calls on New York City and State to Provide Emergency Assistance to Arts Workers

Published March 18, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

NEW YORK, NY – March 18, 2020 – In response to the public health crisis brought on by COVID-19 (coronavirus), members of the Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds (COBUG) issued the following statement: COBUG represents artists and workers who create theatre, opera, dance, and concerts on Broadway, at Lincoln Center, and at venues across the city. New York’s cultural performing arts institutions are key drivers to New York’s economy. The role that nearly 100,000 arts workers play cannot be overstated. The suspension of performances across the city will take a massive financial toll on our members as well as New York’s economy. By shuttering productions, fundamental economic lifelines have been cut for those who spend thei... Read More -->

AGMA National Headquarters Announcement

Published March 16, 2020   |  By Alicia Cook  |  Post in All Areas

Until further notice, AGMA staff will cease commuting into its national headquarters and begin working remotely. AGMA had already paused business travel and implemented other exposure-reducing measures, including cross-training staff and replacing in-person meetings with video conferences. Day-to-day workflow and operations will not be interrupted. As echoed by many organizations across the country and globe, this will greatly minimize exposure and ensure the health and well-being of our staff and members. AGMA will continue to monitor this ongoing, rapidly-developing crisis and make responsible adjustments as needed. ... Read More -->

Joyce DiDonato and Piotr Beczala Perform, Raise Funds Via Live Stream

Published   |  By Alicia Cook  |  Post in All Areas

Joyce DiDonato and Piotr Beczala livestreamed a 90-minute performance from Joyce’s living room yesterday, March 16. The duo was accompanied by Met assistant conductor, Howard Watkins, and principal harp, Emmanuel Ceysson. To help to alleviate the dire financial straits artists now face in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, viewers were encouraged to make donations to the AGMA Relief Fund and Artist Relief Tree. Read the full story on Billboard. AGMA will update this post when the link to the full performance becomes available. Any AGMA member in good standing, or on honorable withdrawal, is entitled and encouraged to apply for financial assistance through the AGMA Relief Fund. Please visit to begin the... Read More -->