Update on New AGMA Headquarters

Published September 25, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

We are pleased to announce that today, AGMA finalized the purchase of its new headquarters. Our new office, located at 305 7th Avenue, will be state-of-the-art, and capable of hosting bargaining sessions, trainings, and other functions of the union. Once it is safe to come together again, we hope that you, our members, come to view this as a place where you can meet, organize, and celebrate with one another. We would like to recap the financial benefit to our members. First, our monthly and annual operating costs for office space have been greatly reduced, as monthly expenses are now far less than what AGMA was paying in rent at our old location. Second, we plan to sublet a portion of the space to another tenant. This renta... Read More -->

AGMA’s Message to Membership Regarding the Met’s Announcement

Published September 23, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The following message was sent to AGMA Artists of the Met at 12:30 p.m. EDT on September 23. AGMA is now sharing the message on its website. You are receiving this email because you’ve worked at the Metropolitan Opera in the past two seasons. We are reaching out because of the Met's announcement of the cancellation of the remainder of the 2020-2021 season. The Met's unilateral decision to cancel is another difficult note in an already challenging year. AGMA is disappointed that the Met has peremptorily announced this cancellation, rather than engaging with its Artists or AGMA to find creative paths to create opera this spring. We feel it is necessary in this moment to update you on the status of our ongoing talks with the Met and to p... Read More -->

Information on the New AGMA Headquarters

Published September 18, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA wishes to share some news with you about AGMA’s new National Headquarters, which will bring multiple benefits to the union and our members. The purchase has not been finalized, but we anticipate that happening at the end of September. We had planned to announce the new office space in our upcoming monthly newsletter once everything was complete. You may see some media coverage today regarding this news. Given some misinformation circulating, we felt it was necessary to hear about the new AGMA National Headquarters directly from your union, a few weeks earlier than planned, even though the purchase has not been finalized. AGMA has had its headquarters at 1430 Broadway, in the heart of the Garment District in Manhattan, for many y... Read More -->

AGMA Artists of the Met Perform “Solidarity Forever”

Published September 8, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA is honored to share this performance of Solidarity Forever (AGMA 2020 Version) featuring AGMA members of  The Metropolitan Opera including Nathaniel Hunt, Ashley Emerson, Sarah Larsen, Christopher Job, and members of the Met Opera Chorus. The Solidarity Forever score (found below) was written by Met AGMA Committee Chair Ned Hanlon (chorister), the Met’s Jeremy Little (chorister), and AGMA Eastern Counsel Sam Wheeler. They wrote this song earlier in the spring to encourage AGMA members to stay strong and stick together during the pandemic. Special thanks to Met Opera Ballet, Met Opera Supers, Maria D'Amato, Rachel Schmiege, Sara Heaton, Lianne Coble-Dispensa, Scott Dispensa, Brandon Mayberry, ... Read More -->

Labor Day Message from AGMA President

Published September 6, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The American Guild of Musical Artists is the labor union of the finest singers, dancers, and staging staff in opera, choral performance, and concert dance in the United States. Like members of our sister unions, COVID-19 turned our lives upside down, leaving thousands of Artists unemployed. This has taken a devastating toll on AGMA artists, cutting fundamental economic lifelines for those of us who spend our lives in the performing arts. Nearly six months later, we continue to confront an unprecedented loss of work and earnings. We were the first to lose our jobs, and will likely be the last to return to work. And yet, have we given up? No. Have we stopped singing, dancing and creating? No. We are AGMA. We carry on. Doing so isn’t ... Read More -->

AGMA Publishes the Summer 2020 Issue of AGMAzine

Published August 6, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA is happy to announce that the SUMMER 2020 issue of AGMAzine, the official publication of the American Guild of Musical Artists, is now available for viewing. The theme for this issue is #WeAreAGMA, an important reminder of how AGMA members remain connected, now more than ever. To open the magazine, click here. Note: Due to COVID-19, the magazine is only available as an e-magazine. ... Read More -->

AGMA & SDC Engage Medical Experts on COVID-19, Reopening

Published June 4, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

6/2/2020 - With discussions on reopening beginning around the country across various industries, the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) and Stage Directors and Choreographers Society (SDC) announced that they have engaged the services of medical experts to assist with COVID-19 safety planning and ensure that their members are protected. The two unions—AGMA, which represents opera performers, choral singers, and dancers, and SDC, representing stage directors and choreographers—will be working with Dr. Mark Cunningham-Hill, Dr. Laura S. Welch, and Dr. Stephen J. Anderson, who have multiple decades worth of experience in protecting the health of employees and maintaining healthy workplaces. “AGMA and SDC are ready to work to... Read More -->

AGMA Statement on CARES Act

Published March 28, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

NEW YORK CITY - 3/27/2020 - AGMA is pleased to report that the House passed the CARES Act by voice vote and the President signed the bill into law. AGMA played an important part in the advocacy for this bill, working with the Department for Professional Employees (DPE) and our sister unions to demand COVID-19 relief benefits for our members. This is a win for all of us. This legislation expands economic relief to artists. This is due to the calls, letter writing, emails, and social media outreach to Congress by AGMA members and the members of our affiliated unions. AGMA applauds the quick action of Congress and the President to protect artists in Opera, Dance, and Choral communities who have been severely impacted by COVID-19 ... Read More -->

AGMA’s Response to COVID-19 Fallout

Published March 20, 2020   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

We want to start by saying: we will get through this pandemic together. During these unprecedented times, your health and welfare – both physical and mental – is our main priority.   We applaud our AGMA signatory companies that have made the right decision to take care of their artists during this global crisis. By continuing payments, health coverage, and other benefits, these companies are being responsible employers. AGMA vows to work with these companies to get through this difficult period. We are in this together and understand the significant challenges that Opera, Ballet, and Choral groups will face throughout the coming months. AGMA’s Executive Council has been receiving and granting emergency waiver req... Read More -->

Arts, Entertainment, and Media Unions Call on Policymakers to Protect Media Workers in Emergency Relief Packages

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Katie Barrows Communications Manager P: 202-549-5991 WASHINGTON, March 20, 2020—With hundreds of thousands of creative professionals out of work as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, arts, entertainment, and media unions affiliated with the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE) are calling on the White House, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Congress to quickly pass emergency relief legislation that both enhances and expands state unemployment benefits and sends direct unrestrained cash to the impacted workers they represent. “Arts, entertainment, and media workers have been hit hard by this public health and economic crisis. Overnight, production and performan... Read More -->