AGMAzine Earns its First Award

Published November 16, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMAzine, the Union’s long-standing publication, has earned a Gold Award in the 2021 MarCom Awards. The MarCom Awards is an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. Entries come from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, public relations firms, design shops, production companies, and freelancers. AGMA was recognized for its 2021 Winter issue of AGMAzine entitled “The New Frontier”. In this jam-packed issue, stories of creativity and perseverance were featured. Through interviews and personal essays, a number of AGMA Artists provided touching stories about how their lives have changed throughout the pandemic. ... Read More -->

Special Delegate Training Hosted by the AGMA Opera and Concert Choristers Caucus

Published November 15, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

REMINDER! A special Delegate Training Session will be hosted by the AGMA Opera and Concert Choristers Caucus (OCCC) on Monday, November 22, at 6:30 p.m. ET. All AGMA choristers in good standing are invited to attend this important training and discussion! To register, visit here. Those who have already registered, do not need to do so again. The Zoom will be sent in the days leading up to the event. Whether AGMA choristers are current delegates, interested in becoming a delegate, or just want to learn more about how they can support their fellow Artists and colleagues in the workplace, this meeting will give them the tools they need to be more effective advocates. Following the presentation, there will be a time for a Q&A.... Read More -->

AGMA Staging Staff to Host “Technology for Staging Staff”

Published November 12, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The AGMA Staging Staff Caucus invites all AGMA Staging Staff members to a special presentation on technology with industry expert Matthew Stern on Tuesday, November 16 at 9:00 p.m. ET. Members can register for this exciting presentation here. ALL AGMA staging staff in good standing are encouraged to attend and will receive the Zoom details in the days leading up to the event. Dance and opera companies are being revolutionized through the use of modern technology, and we want to learn more. This presentation will cover technology and computer programs used by staging staff. Stage Manager Matthew Stern founded the Broadway Stage Management Symposium and ran Tech Fridays during a portion of the pandemic wher... Read More -->

Tomorrow: Special Meeting of the Southern Central Area

Published November 10, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in San Francisco Area, Southern Central Area

Before the Area Committee elections process kick off, each AGMA Area will hold a meeting. These are special meetings, called to explain new changes to the structure and election of the Area Committee pursuant to recent amendments to AGMA's Constitution. During these meetings, members will go over the specifics of their Area Committee, the new composition of the Area Committee, and the upcoming Area Committee election. REMINDER: The Southern Central Area will meet TOMORROW, Thursday, November 11, at 7:00 p.m. CT. Southern Central Area members should have received a reminder email today from Southern Central Board Members Brian August, Julie Condy, Kyle Hancock, Lela Bell Wesley, and Matthew Woodbury containing Zoom details for t... Read More -->

TOMORROW: Special Meeting of the San Francisco Area

Published November 9, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in San Francisco Area

Before the Area Committee elections kick off, each AGMA Area will hold a meeting. These are special meetings, called to explain new changes to the structure and election of the Area Committee pursuant to recent amendments to AGMA's Constitution. During these meetings, members will go over the specifics of their Area Committee, the new composition of the Area Committee, and the upcoming Area Committee election. REMINDER: The San Francisco Area will meet on Wednesday, November 10, at 6:00 p.m. PT. SF Area members should have received a reminder email from SF Area Chair Sally Mouzon today containing Zoom details for the meeting. (Check spam or promotions tab if using Gmail). AGMA members in good standing within the SF Area that di... Read More -->

Tomorrow: Special Meeting of the Northwest Area

Published November 7, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in Northwest Area

Before Area Committee elections kick off, each AGMA Area will hold a meeting. These are special meetings, called to explain new changes to the structure and election of the Area Committee pursuant to recent amendments to AGMA's Constitution. During these meetings, members will go over the specifics of their Area Committee, the new composition of the Area Committee, and the upcoming Area Committee election. REMINDER: The Northwest Area will meet on Monday, November 8, at 6:00 p.m. PT. Northwest Area members should have received an email reminder from Northwest Area Chair George Scott earlier today containing Zoom details for the meeting. (Check spam or promotions tab if using Gmail). AGMA members in good standing within the NW A... Read More -->

Tomorrow: Special Meeting of the New York Area

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in New York Area

Before Area Committee elections kick off, each AGMA Area will hold a meeting. These are special meetings, called to explain new changes to the structure and election of the Area Committee pursuant to recent amendments to AGMA's Constitution. During these meetings, members will go over the specifics of their Area Committee, the new composition of the Area Committee, and the upcoming Area Committee election. REMINDER: The New York Area will meet TOMORROW, Monday, November 8, at 6:30 p.m. ET. NY Area members should have received an email reminder from NY Area Chair Louis Perry earlier today containing Zoom details for the meeting. (Check spam or promotions tab if using Gmail). AGMA members in good standing within the NY Area that ... Read More -->

Tomorrow: Special Meeting of SoCal Area

Published November 6, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in Southern California Area

Before Area Committee elections kick off, each AGMA Area will hold a meeting. These are special meetings, called to explain new changes to the structure and election of the Area Committee pursuant to recent amendments to AGMA's Constitution. During these meetings, members will go over the specifics of their Area Committee, the new composition of the Area Committee, and the upcoming Area Committee election. The Southern California Area will meet TOMORROW, November 7, at 6:00 p.m. PT. SoCal Area members should have received an email reminder earlier today from SoCal Area Chair Jennifer Wallace containing Zoom details for the meeting. (Check spam or promotions tab if using Gmail). AGMA members in good standing within the Southern... Read More -->

AGMA Releases Updated Guidance on Testing/Masking for Dancers

Published November 4, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Today, the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) released an Updated Guidance on Masking/Testing for AGMA Dancers. This Updated Guidance is directed to AGMA dancers, dance companies, and opera company dancers when they are rehearsing separately. The purpose of this Guidance is to allow vaccinated dancers, in some circumstances, to remove masks during rehearsals if the company implements a robust COVID-19 testing program. As always, any proposed changes to existing safety protocols at AGMA signatory companies must be bargained with your AGMA staff representative prior to implementation. AGMA will continue to address opera and choral company requests for limited unmasking of singers on a case-by-case basis. Most AGMA sig... Read More -->

Midwest Area Meeting Reminder: Special Meeting on Sunday

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in Midwest Area

It's almost time to hold Area Committee elections!  Before the self-nomination process kicks off, each AGMA Area will hold a meeting. These are special meetings, called to explain new changes to the structure and election of the Area Committee pursuant to recent amendments to AGMA's Constitution. During these meetings, members will go over the specifics of their Area Committee, the new composition of the Area Committee, and the upcoming Area Committee election. REMINDER: The Midwest Area will meet on Sunday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m. CT. Today, Midwest Area members should have received a reminder email from Midwest Area Chair John Coleman with a link to register for this meeting. (Check spam or promotions tab if using Gm... Read More -->