Dancers of Ballet Idaho Join AGMA

Published December 6, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

12/6/2021 – The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) and Ballet Idaho are pleased to announce that the dancers of Ballet Idaho have voted to join AGMA, the labor union of the finest dancers, singers, and staging staff in dance, opera, and concert choral performance throughout the United States. A vote was held on Tuesday, November 30, based upon mutual agreement between AGMA and Ballet Idaho. Given the results, Ballet Idaho has recognized AGMA as the exclusive bargaining representative of the dancers. “AGMA is thrilled to welcome the dancers of Ballet Idaho into the Union,” said Leonard Egert, National Executive Director of AGMA. “We look forward to a collaborative process with the management of Ballet Idaho, as the s... Read More -->

Sign the Petition and Tell Congress: Support Tax Fairness for Arts Workers

Published December 2, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The bipartisan Performing Artist Tax Parity Act (PATPA) would be a game-changer for arts workers. This bill would allow arts workers to deduct on their federal income taxes ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in the course of employment -- a deduction arts workers lost when tax reform passed in 2017. Will you join us and ask your members of Congress to cosponsor the Performing Artist Tax Parity Act? As performing artists across the country return to work, the last thing they need is a tax code that punishes them for seeking work. The PATPA fixes this problem and would renew your ability to deduct business expenses like agents and managers fees, equipment, website hosting, and audio/video reels, to name just a fe... Read More -->

AGMA Black Caucus Meeting on December 15

Published November 30, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Mark your calendars! The next meeting of the AGMA Black Caucus (ABC) will be on Wednesday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m. ET. This meeting will provide time for reflection and holiday celebration! The ABC welcomes all Black AGMA Artists in good standing to join the discussion. Register here. For more information please email ... Read More -->

#GivingTuesday: Support AGMA Artists

Published   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Today is Giving Tuesday, a global generosity movement that unleashes the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. Each year #GivingTuesday provides an opportunity for friends and supporters of the AGMA community to come together and support the Relief Fund’s longstanding mission of helping AGMA Artists. On #GivingTuesday, and every day, there are a number of ways you can support the AGMA Relief Fund. Donate! Make a gift of any size to the AGMA Relief FundEncourage others to participate! Forward this email to your network of friends who love and support the ArtsSpread our message! Post about the AGMA Relief Fund on your social media platform... Read More -->

Area Election Committee Self-Nomination Window Closes TOMORROW

Published November 29, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA members interested in running for a seat on their Area Committee should submit all necessary information by TOMORROW, November 30, at 9:00 p.m. ET. To self-nominate, one must complete the form that was emailed to members in good standing earlier today. The form is also available on each Area’s webpage (MyAGMA login required). As a reminder: the electronic ballot will also contain a non-binding referendum on whether or not the AGMA Board of Governors should, like many of our sibling unions, issue political endorsements in elections of particular importance to AGMA and AGMA members. We wish to thank in advance all the nominees for their willingness to be advocates for their fellow union members! Electronic ballots and related e... Read More -->

The Fall 2021 Issue of AGMAzine is Here

Published November 24, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Open AGMAzine AGMA is happy to announce that the Fall 2021 issue of AGMAzine is here! Follow this link to view/download the PDF or flip through the pages on Issuu. You will read about AGMA's first demographic census, our AFL-CIO charter, an award announcement, and National Election news. Through interviews and personal essays, AGMA Artists share intimate stories about their lives and careers. You'll read of a dancer's search for identity, a first-hand account of the indoor return of LA Opera, and an in-depth interview on Fire Shut Up in My Bones. Additional features include a look into the history of Porgy & Bess, news from Lyric Opera Stage Artists (LOSA), journal entries during Hurricane... Read More -->

Message of Gratitude from AGMA President Ray Menard

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While we are still very much in the pandemic that has been the source of so many crises and pain, there are many things for which I am thankful. I am thankful for artists. Our art brought us joy, comfort, and remnants of normalcy during the last 20 months, even if it was in the quiet privacy of our own homes or front porches or balconies and not inside the studio or on the stage. I am thankful for the solidarity and compassion within the AGMA community and the support we received from our fellow unions, from art advocates, and from our beloved opera and dance enthusiasts. I am thankful for the technology that kept us connected and provided us with a creative outlet during the most disconnected, isolating times of our lives. I am... Read More -->

AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Contract with San Francisco Ballet

Published November 23, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA is happy to report that San Francisco Ballet’s new collective bargaining agreement was ratified by AGMA leadership, after being overwhelmingly approved by the shop. Let’s celebrate gains! There have been multiple additions and improvements to the contract language including sections on Digital Media; Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access; and Harassment Prevention. Thank you to the negotiating committee for your hard work on this 3-year agreement. ... Read More -->

AGMA Caucus Webinars Page Now Live

Published November 22, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

AGMA is excited to unveil the AGMA Caucus Webinars Webpage! (MyAGMA login required.) AGMA encourages and embraces participation at the member level. Various member groups have organized and formed official AGMA caucuses to help bring to light areas of concern that a particular group might have. Current AGMA caucuses include the AGMA Black Caucus, the AGMA Dancers Caucus, the AGMA Opera and Concert Choristers Caucus, and the AGMA Staging Staff Caucus. On this page, you will find webinars (and related documents) that were hosted by the caucuses. To access the page, log into MyAGMA and visit the “AGMA Webinars” main page. From there, members can select “AGMA Caucus Webinars.” Happy viewing! ... Read More -->

Self-Nomination Instructions for Area Committee Elections

Published November 18, 2021   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The AGMA Area Committee Elections have officially kicked off. AGMA members interested in serving on their AGMA Area Committee must be in good standing and complete the self-nomination form that was emailed to them on November 18. The forms are also on the website, in each Area's section, along with more Area-specific information (MyAGMA login required). All forms are due by no later than November 30, 9:00 p.m. ET. Late submissions will not be accepted. Since Area Committees function best with members who really want to serve, nomination forms cannot be completed for another member—and will not be counted. Electronic ballots and related election materials will be emailed to AGMA members in good standing in each Area at the start of ... Read More -->