
Announcing the AGMA AAPI Caucus and Kickoff Meeting

Published May 21, 2024   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Caucus has been established within the American Guild of Musical Artists.

The first official kick-off meeting for the AAPI Caucus will be held over Zoom on Tuesday, June 11, at 7:00 p.m. ET / 4:00 p.m. PT. All AAPI AGMA Artists are encouraged to join. Click here to register.

The mission of the AGMA AAPI Caucus is to foster an inclusive and equitable workplace for Asian American and Pacific Islander artists, which acknowledges and respects our cultural and language diversities. (The founding members have established this mission statement, which is subject to change as the caucus takes shape.)

The AAPI Caucus aims to:

  • Provide networking, mentoring, and development opportunities for AAPI artists to support their growth and advancement within AGMA
  • Celebrate and promote awareness of AAPI cultures, challenges, perspectives, and experiences through educational events and activities
  • Advocate for policies and practices that ensure equal access, treatment, and opportunities for AAPI artists
  • Protect AAPI artists from discrimination arising from language barriers and provide translation support when necessary
  • Support recruiting, retaining, and promoting AAPI talent across AGMA
  • Partner with AGMA leadership and other groups to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across AGMA

"The AAPI Caucus will provide a platform for our Asian American and Pacific Islander members to share their celebrations, perspectives, and stories with all union members, while shining a light on the unique concerns and issues that AAPI Artists face in the performing arts industry,” said AGMA President Ned Hanlon. “The Caucus will also open up a new channel of access to AGMA leadership through the Membership and Member Relations Committee, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued in shaping the future of our union.”

The AAPI Caucus is the latest Union Caucus, joining the Opera & Concert Choristers Caucus, the Staging Staff Caucus, and the AGMA Black Caucus. For more information, please email