
AGMA Ratifies 3-Year Agreement with Sacramento Ballet

Published August 29, 2024   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The new collective bargaining agreement between AGMA and ​Sacramento Ballet​ was approved by AGMA leadership on August 12, 2024, after being ratified by the shop. Thank you to the negotiating committee and congratulations on this 3-year agreement!



  • Introduced internal ranks and Seniority pay to help with existing pay disparities​:
    • Year One:​
      • 17% Increase to Apprentice I ​Rate
      • 31% Increase to Apprentice II​ Rate
      • 8% Increase to minimum Company Artist Rate​
      • 34% Increase to minimum Senior Company Artist Rate
      • Overscale Artists / Stage Manager receive 3% increase​
    • Year Two:​
      • All Artists (including overscale) increase by $25.50​/week
    • Year Three:​
      • All Artists (including overscale) increase by $26.27/week
  • Partial reimbursement for gym membership​
  • Increased Dancer Guarantee from 21 Dancers to 23 Dancers in Year One and 24 Dancers in Year Two and beyond
  • Three additional personal days for non-reengaged Artists​
  • Increased days engaged for Stage Manager​
  • Decreased Stage Manager hours from 80 to 65 before penalty kicks in (Overtime after 40 hours in a week) and increased rest span​
  • Codified current per diem, housing, and travel language for Stage Managers​
  • Added language codifying current retirement plan​


  • Expanded DEI and Anti-Harassment Language
  • Specified timeline for DEI and Anti-Harassment trainings at start of season​
  • NEW 21 days paid leave for non-birthing parents ​
  • NEW Protections for pregnant and nursing Artists​
  • Strengthened and expanded Artist Well-Being Program​