Save the Chorus: Why Cutting the San Francisco Symphony Chorus Budget by 80% Is Not the Answer

Published July 11, 2024   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

Published on Behalf of the Members of the San Francisco Symphony Chorus Dear Friends and Supporters, We, the members of the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, write to you with a deep sense of pride in our collective accomplishments and a sincere concern for the future of our cherished institution. The 32 paid singers of the Chorus are members of the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA), whose collective bargaining agreement expires at the end of July. The rest of our ensemble is composed of well over 120 unpaid singers who give their time and significant talents to the Symphony Chorus. Given the recent public discussions about the financial challenges faced by the Symphony, we feel compelled to share information, offer our perspe... Read More -->

Recording Available: Watch the Body Equity Seminar Hosted by the OCCC

Published July 9, 2024   |  By Musical Artists  |  Post in All Areas

The Opera & Concert Choristers Caucus (OCCC) hosted a seminar on body equity on Tuesday, July 2. Guest speaker Patrick Hansen led a discussion on the various challenges—both real and perceived—that singers face during auditions and the casting process. The seminar was recorded and is now available to view on the members-only section of the AGMA website. AGMA members can access the webinar by logging in to MyAGMA, selecting "AGMA Webinars" from the MyAGMA dropdown menu, and then "AGMA Caucus Webinars."... Read More -->